
Airport ' Ngurah Rai Airport'(90.00 Km)

В отеле:

  • Круглосуточное бюро регистрации, Фойе, Интернет, Парковка
  • Услуги: This hotel comprises 40 bungalows designed in a typically Balinese style. Guests are invited into the foyer with 24-hour reception desk, safes, a currency exchange counter and a cloakroom. Culinary options include a bar, a open-air restaurant serving Balinese and international cuisine as well as delicious fish restaurant. Additionally, the hotel offers its guests a restaurant with a dreamlike view of the sea. Furthermore, there is a variety of shops, a small supermarket and bicycle rental additionally offered within the hotel. Finally, there are laundry and medical services to round up the hotel's offerings.
  • Беспроводной Интернет: Да


  • Песчаный пляж: Да


  • Открытый бассейн, Бассейн(ы) с пресной водой
  • Велосипед / Горный велосипед

  • +7 (812) 740-10-10

    +7 (921) 740-52-82

    191002, Санкт-Петербург, Щербаков переулок., дом 17А

    ст.метро "Достоевская" и "Владимирская"

    ПН-ЧТ с 11-00 до 18-00 без перерыва
    суббота и воскресенье - выходные дни